Shot Bucket. Dribbble client. Another Dribbble client, but really different.
Shot Bucket provides a cool way to explore best shots and to focus just on artwork.
Static shots and animated gifs, major categories and just Like and Follow features.
We work hard at making our Shot Bucket very Fast, Neat and Clean. Browse shots, find the best works and like it, like it.
Found awesome author? Liked his artwork already? Follow him!
So the features include:
version 1:
- Authentification by Dribbble. No need to create new user. Simple.
- Browse unlimited shots. From different categories. Awesome!
- Like and Follow dribbblers works. Social.
- Everything is animated. And works fast!
version 2:
- Review author’s shots.
- List of followers & followees are on stack too.
- Sharing, sharing, sharing.
Are you curious about other Shot Bucket features? Yeah.
There is another side. Adding to Featured. Really smart share.
Update notes:
After the discussion with Dribbble, we’ve decided to remove a focus on ads features. Instead of asking people to be proactive and follow/like other designers, we’ve added an auto way to appear on Featured category. Lifetime free stuff!
Previous way:
Find new Featured category inside. This category is specifically designed for adding to Featured purposes.
You just need to be pro-active. Like and Follow other authors, achieve coins and then spend it to share your own works.
No payment. There is really no payment included. Newcomers should love us, we know!
If you like Shot Bucket, please follow us on Facebook or tweet @agile_ninjas